Agenda - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue: HYBRID

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: 13 June 2022

Meeting time: 14.00
For further information contact:

Gareth Price - Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565




1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest (14:00)     (Pages 1 - 25)



2       Evidence session - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement (14.00 - 14.30) (Pages 26 - 35)


Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services


Alistair Davey - Deputy Director, Enabling People, Welsh Government




3       New Petitions (14.30 - 14.50)  




3.1     P-06-1271 Acquire the land from Network Rail on which ATR884 runs as a permissive path and arrange maintenance

                                                                                                 (Pages 36 - 40)



3.2     P-06-1272 Ban the use of 'no pet clauses' in tenancy agreements in Wales

                                                                                                 (Pages 41 - 48)



3.3     P-06-1276 Extend section 25B of the Nurse Staffing Levels Act (Wales) 2016

                                                                                                 (Pages 49 - 62)



3.4     P-06-1278 Introduce parenting lessons and basic life skills for High School pupils

                                                                                                 (Pages 63 - 72)



3.5     P-06-1279 End inconsistency in Covid guidance. Let schools have the same flexibility as cinemas or stadiums

                                                                                                 (Pages 73 - 74)



3.6     P-06-1280 Cancel AS and A Level exams within Wales for the summer of 2022

                                                                                                 (Pages 75 - 81)



Short break (14.50 - 15.00)




4       Evidence session - P-06-1253 Ban greyhound racing in Wales (15.00 -15.40)     


Lord (David) Lipsey, Chair of Premier Greyhound Racing


Malcolm Tams, The Valley Greyhound Stadium


Mark Bird, Greyhound Board of Great Britain 


Professor Madeleine Campbell, Independent Board member of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain




5       Updates to previous petitions (15.40 - 16.00)




5.1     P-05-1112 Help Welsh Communities Buy Community Assets: Implement Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011

                                                                                                 (Pages 82 - 85)



5.2     P-06-1163 Extend the postgraduate STEMM bursary to all MSc students in Wales

                                                                                                 (Pages 86 - 87)



5.3     P-06-1184 Immediately ban the use of toxic lead in all ammunition in Wales... lead is killing our wildlife!

                                                                                                 (Pages 88 - 89)



5.4     P-06-1212 Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all open water sites in Wales

                                                                                                           (Page 90)



5.5     P-06-1228 Give secondary teachers a bonus for marking and standardizing summer 2021 official assessments

                                                                                               (Pages 91 - 102)



5.6     P-06-1235 Ensure appropriate provision of services and support for people with Acquired Brain Injury in Wales

                                                                                             (Pages 103 - 117)



5.7     P-06-1241 Welsh government to meet with a wider audience of unpaid carers

                                                                                             (Pages 118 - 121)



5.8     P-06-1248 Change Standing Orders and admissibility criteria for petitions

                                                                                             (Pages 122 - 126)



Paper to note




6       P-06-1181 Sea bottom trawling is killing our marine wildlife...Stop bulldozing our seas!

                                                                                             (Pages 127 - 128)



7       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting (16.00)




8       Discussion of evidence - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement (16.00 - 16.05)




9       Discussion of evidence -  P-06-1253 Ban greyhound racing in Wales (16.05 - 16.10)





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